Paleo Ridge Unveil Brand New Christmas Product Ahead of the Festive Season
The UK’s leading raw dog food company Paleo Ridge are thrilled to announce the launch of their limited-edition festive feast, Christmas Turkey & Cranberry.
The UK’s leading raw dog food company Paleo Ridge are thrilled to announce the launch of their limited-edition festive feast, Christmas Turkey & Cranberry.
A wonderful success story from our friends at Service Dogs UK. Find out all about them and what they do in this heart warming blog.
Guest Blog: Anna Webb
'I’ve seen how many dogs have been transformed by a switch from a processed to a raw unadulterated balanced and species-appropriate complete diet.' Read on to find out why you are what you eat.
Guest Blog: Catriona McCrone
Fidra, a Dandie Dinmont with a whole world of issues from UTI's to bladder stones had her life transformed when switching to a raw diet. Read her journey here.
Guest Blog: Lesley Loughnane
I transitioned my first two cavaliers to raw when they were 12 and 8 and my only regret is not discovering the benefits earlier in their lives.
Guest Blog: Diana Crockett
Rufus started to put on weight and had unhealthy-looking stools, until he tried Paleo Ridge.
Guest Blog: Sammy Fletcher
Read how both Floyd & Jagger's ear infection, anal gland and stomach issues were eliminated by switching to a natural raw diet.
Guest Blog: Susan Kaye
Sparky suffered with a bad tummy for the first year of her life. After being prescribed various different kibbles by the Vet, there was no improvement. After some extensive research we came across a raw food diet.
Storm struggled with behavioural issues and irregular bowel movements. Read how switching to a raw diet helped improve both!
Guest Blog: Kellie Knight
Othello was born with hip and elbow dysplasia. Read on to find out how feeding a raw diet has helped with his recovery.
Guest Blog: Rebecca Calcott
Read how switching to a raw diet helped Bertie overcome his digestion issues and Bessie overcome the worst of her IBD.
Herbie was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in 2008. We were advised to PTS or amputate his leg. The amputation is carried out to relieve his pain, but the prognosis is grim. Read on to find out how Herbie became the inspiration of Paleo Ridge.