About Us
Paleo Ridge Raw Dog Food
Paleo Ridge Raw is an award-winning working raw dog food business based in rural Hampshire. We aim to consistently provide outstanding quality products and excellent service to our customers and their dogs.
With a dedicated and passionate team of very experienced industry professionals, we only use ingredients of the highest quality in our dog food, with a firm commitment to:
- Ethically sourced produce
- High animal welfare standards
- Sustainable farming
- Organic, free range or wild where possible
Animal welfare is the highest priority for us when sourcing products. Intensive factory farming goes hand in hand with poor animal welfare and unsatisfactory conditions. Animal cruelty is abhorrent to us, and we will not support it under any circumstance.
Proud to be the Best in Raw Dog Food
Paleo Ridge is the most accredited raw dog food manufacturer in the UK, we work tirelessly to implement and uphold standards that set us apart from the rest.
We have also been voted the best raw dog food in the UK, the most trusted brand, the most friendly to new customers, and the best food for large and small breeds. We have sought and gained, independent globally recognised accreditation:
- OF&G Organic approved
- ISO 9001 approved
- Ethical pet award approved
- DEFRA approved (Defra licence no 15/103/8003/ABP/PTF)
Paleo Ridge is proud to hold the ISO 9001 accreditation. This globally recognized standard focuses on quality management across every aspect of our business. We are independently audited against very strict standards. Audits are unannounced. This ensures we uphold the highest of standards, every day.
We are one of the only raw feeding companies to hold Organic certification. This shows that we have implemented every process required to correctly source, store and process organic produce. We can also demonstrate where we have used our Organic produce, down to the last KG. Audits are unannounced, again ensuring we conform to the required standards, every single day.
Defra approval is mandatory for every raw dog food company in the UK. Defra visits infrequently and always announce their visits a few weeks in advance. Independent, unannounced audits are mandatory for these extra accreditations. This ensures we meet their very high standards, every single day. The standards laid down by DEFRA are very basic compared to our other accreditations.
“I insist on ethically sourced products. Grass-fed meat is higher in many important nutrients and is less intensively reared. We will never sell anything that I would not feed my own dogs”
"Like many others, my switch to raw feeding started with a sick dog. All conventional avenues had been exhausted. I did not want to lose my dog, so I started to research what could be done to boost his immune system naturally. Raw feeding kept coming up, so I started to research. The more I learned, the more I realised that natural, healthy food that is species-appropriate really is the best. So started my passion with raw feeding"

"It’s a privilege to lead such a focused, passionate and determined group of people on our journey. Knowing we have the trust of our customers, to provide their beloved four-legged companions with the best raw dog food, is a powerful driver in all that we do."
Herbie's Story
Herbie had a lot to smile about! At 13 years of age, a raw diet was keeping him fit, healthy and his teeth wonderfully clean.

Herbie 13 Oct 2002 - 16 Aug 2016
Herbie was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in 2008. We were advised to PTS or amputate his leg. The amputation is carried out to relieve his pain, but the prognosis is grim.
90% of dogs die within one year, even after amputation as the cancer is very aggressive.
We are very happy to say that Herbie lived for a further 8 years on three legs! We cannot claim a raw diet saved him. He was very lucky to beat such odds! But we do firmly believe the switch to raw helped.
Sadly, we lost Herbie on 13 Aug 2016. Due to old age, not cancer! He was 2 months short of 14. He was the most handsome, smart and loyal Ridgeback and will remain forever in our hearts. Paleo Ridge is his legacy; we owe it all to him.
Read Herbie's Story in full