Reduced Allergies and Intolerances

04th January 2021 5 mins read

Allergies and intolerances in dogs and humans have soared since the introduction of processed foods. Cheap grains are mass produced with the use of pesticides and harmful chemicals.

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How Raw can Help

Allergies, intolerances and sensitivities, in dogs and humans have soared since the introduction of processed foods. Cheap grains are mass produced with the use of pesticides and harmful chemicals. These can cause allergies and more commonly intolerances and sensitivities in dogs which can lead to a myriad of health problems.

There is no doubt that by feeding a raw diet which is 100% natural, you are removing a considerable number of allergens and harmful substances present in highly processed food.

Some of the many benefits of feeding raw to reduce allergies, intolerances and sensitivities are:

  • natural, raw food contains absolutely no allergens
  • raw food is much easier for your dog to digest
  • your dog’s body absorbs and utilizes the nutrients more efficiently
  • live enzymes in raw food strengthen your dogs gut
  • strengthens your dogs immune system, and helps fight off allergens
  • overall improvement in health including organ functions and joints
  • excludes wheat, corn, soy, starch and carbohydrates

Allergies, intolerances and sensitivities are often caused by food but are not limited to food. Other allergens include: Pollen, mould, dust and dust mites, prescription medication, fleas and chemical flea repellents and chemical wormers, to name a few.


Actual allergies, especially to protein are extremely rare. Only 1-3% of both humans and dogs, experience true allergies. The most common type of allergic reaction to food is known as an IgE-mediated food allergy. An allergic reaction is caused by over-reactivity or hypersensitivity of the immune system, to an allergen. Dog's with true allergies have a compromised immune system. Their body reacts to the allergenic substance by mounting an immune system attack with part of the immune system known as allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. In short, it can no longer differentiate between harmful invaders like infection and viruses, and harmless ones like grass or food.

By removing these from the diet, symptoms such as:

  • itchiness and scratching
  • sore or flaky skin
  • persistent loose stools
  • yeasty infections
  • sensitive tummies

can be reduced, and in most cases disappear for good.

If your dog has a real allergy to a food, the immune system will be triggered. Potent chemicals, like histamine from mast cells are released. These cause local inflammation like redness, swelling, and itching. This type of adverse reaction usually starts rapidly after ingesting the allergen and often provokes a severe anaphylactic response. Seek veterinary advice for severe reactions.

To prevent true allergies, the allergen needs to be identified and removed from the diet. The risks associated with a severe anaphylactic response should not be underestimated. A child or adult with a severe nut or shell fish allergy, can only avoid a severe and often life threatening allergic response, by making sure they do not eat those allergens! Identifying and avoiding the allergen, is the only way to prevent an allergic response.


An intolerance means your dog lacks the enzymes needed to break down and absorb certain ingredients. The inability to digest wheat, corn and soy, is a common food intolerance.

Food intolerance can be hard to diagnose as the reaction is often delayed and more subtle, this type of response is not life-threatening. Intolerance starts in your dogs digestive tract. This happens when your dogs body can’t digest something. This is also known non-IGE mediated food allergies.

Symptoms include:

  • loose stools
  • vomiting
  • IBS
  • bloating and discomfort
  • excessive wind

Highly processed foods contain a multitude of indigestible ingredients. This is why switching to a raw diet that is totally natural and highly digestible, is so effective in recovery from most food intolerances. To prevent an intolerance, the substance causing it needs to be identified and removed from the diet.


Food sensitivities, can also be hard to diagnose as the reaction is often delayed and more subtle. If left undiagnosed, it can become more severe and cause chronic inflammation. Sensitivity differs from an intolerance and is almost certainly linked to a leaky gut. As with Intolerances, these can present as mild or severe.

Symptoms include:

  • loose stools
  • IBS
  • bloating and discomfort
  • vomiting
  • excessive wind
  • itchiness and hair loss

Your dogs intestines rely on a mucosal liner, this barrier helps nutrients pass into the bloodstream while keeping pathogens and other threats out. An unhealthy digestive system that lacks a healthy mucosal barrier, will allow undigested particles into the blood stream, this is known as Leaky Gut. Initially in most cases, there is no immune response. When happening regularly over time, the body may start to attack these particles as it would other foreign invaders. This would mean an immune response similar to that of a true allergy with histamine being released. The sudden onset of food allergies is more likely, as the body begins to see food as the enemy.

Vets may only treat the symptoms of leaky gut, like skin conditions and recurring ear infections, while the root problem continues to go untreated. If you’re consistently seeing more than one symptom, it might be time to consider leaky gut as a root cause.

Further Reading

13th September 2024

“I introduced it to Eileen when she was pregnant. She thrived on it and did not lose any condition whilst carrying and feeding her seven puppies,” Maria explained. “The puppies all took to the Paleo Ridge raw diet straight away. They never had upset tummies and their poos were not offensive and we were less frequent than my experience with previous litters. They all went home with Paleo Ridge in their puppy packs.”

Read more