Service Dogs UK: Supporting Veterans & Dogs

07th November 2023 8 min read

Service Dogs UK is a leading charity that provides assistance dogs to Veterans with PTSD. Read on to find out more about the amazing work they do and how you can become a foster carer for these beautiful dogs.

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Service Dogs UK is the only ADI-accredited PTSD assistance dog charity in the UK for both the armed forces and emergency services. Not only are they ADI accredited but they are also a member of Assistance Dogs UK, ensuring their standards are at a consistently high level.

The dogs are carefully selected from rescue and are partnered with a veteran. The veteran is then taught how to train the dog, look after them and build a lifelong bond with their new companion. All training is provided under the guidance of professional dog trainers and it can take 9-12 months to graduate.

Jane Hoare, Foster Liaison for Service Dogs UK says:

'I have fostered many rescue dogs for the charity Service Dogs UK and as Foster Liaison Lead I have met some incredible people along the way who love dogs but don’t want the lifetime or the financial commitment that comes with dog ownership.

Our rescue dogs are mostly from the Dogs Trust and giving these clever creatures a second chance is such a great feeling. So imagine pairing these dogs with veterans of the Armed Forces and Emergency Services who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; what a doubly rewarding experience, essentially saving 2 lives at a time.

If you love dogs and would like to experience the pride of watching your foster dog go on a very special journey, that culminates in an accredited partnership then please get in touch here.

Our Fab fosters are life changers and we need more people in West Sussex, Hampshire, Surrey, Somerset and Essex to help us with this vital role!

Full training and backup will be given.'

Paleo Ridge is proud to be sponsoring the dogs in training at Service Dogs UK. The team at SDUK are incredibly passionate, as are the veterans and it is amazing to see these therapeutic and happy relationships developing.

If you are interested in fostering a dog or sponsoring, please do visit their website: Service Dogs UK

Further Reading

13th September 2024

“I introduced it to Eileen when she was pregnant. She thrived on it and did not lose any condition whilst carrying and feeding her seven puppies,” Maria explained. “The puppies all took to the Paleo Ridge raw diet straight away. They never had upset tummies and their poos were not offensive and we were less frequent than my experience with previous litters. They all went home with Paleo Ridge in their puppy packs.”

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