Paleo Ridge Unveils New Puppy Range
Designed to give puppies the best possible start in life, this exciting addition to the popular Paleo Plus range offers optimal nutrition with carefully selected, premium ingredients including reishi mushrooms!
There are plenty of raw meats your dog should gobble up, but what is so special about turkey? Read on to find out the wonderful benefits of this lean, nutritious meat.
Feeding your dog raw turkey is highly recommended. There are so many wonderful benefits to turkey, especially when raw of course! Turkey is very lean, easy to digest, packed full of essential vitamins, and can help dogs with sensitive tums.
Raw turkey is an excellent addition to your dog's diet due to the high content of B vitamins, which are essential. By raw feeding turkey, your dog is gaining the maximum amount of vitamins, straight from the natural source. Unlike processed foods, natural raw products do not need additional vitamins and minerals added. Cooked food is certainly better than processed however, cooking meat depletes the nutrients so, feeding raw is by far more nutritious and beneficial.
Good quality, raw turkey contains an abundance of the following:
The quality of the meat you source for your dog is incredibly important. Your furry friend should be ingesting the healthiest meat possible, which is why at Paleo Ridge, we source only the highest quality turkey.
The turkey we source is all human grade and free to roam. Having access to an outside space is incredibly important for the animal's happiness. The happier the animal, the more nutritious the meat. As part of our quality control process, we visit our suppliers on a regular basis to ensure they keep in line with our strict ethical stance.
Does your pup suffer with a sensitive stomach? If so, look no further, turkey can help. With this meat being plain, lean, white and easy to digest, it makes a perfect protein for upset or sensitive tums. Being a gentle meat, even when raw, it can do wonders for the digestive system.
We understand some dog's have an intolerance to Turkey but for the majority, Turkey is a great choice. If your dog has an extra sensitive tum, using our Classic Lamb Tripe and Turkey is advised as the tripe combined with the turkey can aid the digestive system wonderfully.
Designed to give puppies the best possible start in life, this exciting addition to the popular Paleo Plus range offers optimal nutrition with carefully selected, premium ingredients including reishi mushrooms!
All you need to know about our brand-new puppy range of raw dog food. Infused with reishi mushroom tinctures to provide advanced benefits.
Find out all the benefits of the superfoods included in our Paleo Puppy range.