Antioxidants, which include certain vitamins, play a very important role in slowing down the ageing process. Antioxidant molecules inhibit free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules found all around us that can cause oxidative damage to our cells. The only thing that can slow down this process is antioxidant molecules, as they inhibit free radicals.
Antioxidants are found in living foods such as meat, fruits and vegetables. Antioxidants are destroyed when cooked or heated, so its best to feed in their natural form. By feeding natural raw food that is rich in antioxidants, you can help slow down the aging process. An overload of free radicals can contribute to a variety of diseases, including cancer. Antioxidant rich raw dog food will provide your dog's body with the various antioxidants needed, to counteract free radicals and restore balance.
Paleo Ridge have developed a natural superfood supplement that is packed full of antioxidants; Berry Good is included in our Paleo Plus range but you can buy it to add to our Classic Range. We recommend feeding at 5% of your dogs daily allowance, 3-7 times per week.
Read more on our Berry Good Ingredients