Pancreatitis in Dogs

18th April 2024

Pancreatitis is a serious condition your dog can get. It is also a condition you can manage with raw feeding.

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What is Pancreatitis in Dogs?

As a dog owner, you may have heard the term pancreatitis or know someone whose dog has suffered. A question that comes up a lot is “What is pancreatitis?”

It is a disease that, unfortunately, is becoming more common in dogs in the UK and the exact causes of this disease are unknown. Certain factors can contribute to it, which is good to be mindful of if you have a dog. It is important to explain first what the pancreas is and what it does.

What is the Pancreas and What Does it do?

The pancreas is a small organ in a dog's body, located near the stomach and intestines. Its main job is to help with digestion and regulate blood sugar levels. It does this by producing enzymes that help break down food so the body can absorb all the good stuff like nutrients.

Additionally, the pancreas makes hormones like insulin, which helps control the amount of sugar in the blood. So, the pancreas plays a big role in helping dogs digest their food properly and keeping their blood sugar levels steady.

Controlling blood sugar levels in dogs is important because it helps keep them healthy and feeling good. When blood sugar levels are too high, it can lead to problems like diabetes, where the body can't use sugar properly for energy.

On the other hand, if blood sugar levels are too low, it can cause weakness, shaking, and even fainting. By keeping blood sugar levels in the right range, dogs can have the energy they need to play, walk, and do all the things they love without feeling sick or tired. So, it's like keeping their bodies running smoothly, just like making sure a car has enough fuel to keep going!

What is Pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis in dogs is a condition characterised by inflammation of the pancreas. The enzymes that are produced to break down food can activate too early and start to break down cells in the pancreas, which then causes inflammation.

This condition can be acute (meaning it can occur suddenly) or chronic (developing over time) and can either be mild or severe. It's important to note that every dog is different and if you are worried about your dog, always consult your veterinarian.

The exact cause of pancreatitis is still unknown however, there are some factors which can increase the risk of developing the condition which are:

  • Diet: High-fat foods, table scraps, ingesting toxins and inappropriate items.
  • Obesity: Dogs who are overweight have a higher chance of developing pancreatitis.
  • Medical Conditions: Diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism and Cushing’s disease may be predisposed to pancreatitis.
  • Genetics: Some breeds may have an increased risk including Terriers, Boxers, Border Collies, Cocker Spaniels, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Miniature Schnauzers and Dachshunds.
  • Medications: Some medications may trigger pancreatitis in some dogs including antibiotics, cholinesterase inhibitors, oestrogen and diuretics. Always read the leaflet of medications or ask your vet to explain any risks.

What are the Symptoms of Pancreatitis?

There are many symptoms which can be associated with pancreatitis, but which are also similar to those of less serious illnesses. Should your dog present with several of these symptoms, please contact your vet:

  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Diarrhoea
  • Dehydration
  • Fever
  • Hunched posture or reluctance to move
  • Vomiting numerous times
  • Reluctance to having abdomen touched.

As advised above, these symptoms can be associated with a number of different conditions, but if your dog presents with multiple of the above, do contact your vet right away.

How to Manage Pancreatitis in Your Dog

If your dog has been diagnosed with pancreatitis, we first recommend following your vet’s advice. There are ways in which you can support recovery and prevent future episodes:

  • Feed a low-fat diet. Low-fat meals will put less pressure on the pancreas.
  • Feeding smaller portions throughout the day rather than one or two large meals a day. This will minimise the demand for the pancreas.
  • Hydration, make sure your dogs always have access to fresh water.
  • Weight management, if your dog is overweight, work out a dietary plan to reduce their weight and therefore reduce the risk of relapse.
  • Avoid feeding table scraps and processed treats and foods, feeding only nutritious and species-appropriate food will help nourish the body and reduce strain on the digestive system.
  • Regular exercise will help your dog maintain a healthy weight and will help all systems in the body to function optimally.

What Food Can I Give My Dog with Pancreatitis?

As mentioned above, it's important to feed a low-fat, nourishing diet. At Paleo Ridge we have a great selection of low-fat meals, all with no additives or preservatives. Each meal has been meticulously crafted to provide optimum nutrition for your dog that BARF dog food offers.

If your dog is suffering with chronic pancreatitis, we recommend feeding Special Diet, Lamb & Mint, Pork & Apple or Turkey & Fish as these have 5% fat or lower which is ideal. We understand that you might have a lot of questions about the best practices when it comes to raw feeding and pancreatitis. Paleo Ridge is happy to help to advise customers about our products, please contact us if you need any assistance.

When to Contact Your Vet?

If your dog is showing symptoms and you have concerns about their behaviour, it's best to contact your vet straight away. Pancreatitis can be very serious and needs immediate attention. If your dog has pancreatitis and you have recently changed to a raw low-fat diet, your vet will arrange regular tests to check enzyme levels in the blood.

Further Reading

13th September 2024

“I introduced it to Eileen when she was pregnant. She thrived on it and did not lose any condition whilst carrying and feeding her seven puppies,” Maria explained. “The puppies all took to the Paleo Ridge raw diet straight away. They never had upset tummies and their poos were not offensive and we were less frequent than my experience with previous litters. They all went home with Paleo Ridge in their puppy packs.”

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