When it comes to ourselves, we humans fork out countless amounts of money on health related purchases. Whether it be gym memberships, new running trainers, or a ‘healthy’ diet package… We don’t seem to have any issues weighing up the benefit of our own health when faced with the facts and I don’t think it should be any different for our beloved pets. I have lost count of people’s heart-warming stories that tell of their dog falling ill and them doing everything in their power to get their pet back to health before finding raw and getting their dog back to good health.
Unfortunately, it’s still all too common for people to consider diet as a reactive measure, rather than taking the proactive approach and feeding what we know dogs should be eating. On the whole, it would cost significantly less to feed a healthy, species appropriate diet and have less trips to the vet, less medication, ointments, prescriptions or even worse, prescription diets! If cost is the main focus, feeding a healthy diet to prevent expensive trips to the vet for issues that diet can fix, should be top of the list of things to consider when counting pennies. At the end of the day, what price would you pay for your dog’s health?