Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken?

12th October 2021 5 min read

Chicken is a great addition to your dog’s diet. Sourcing good quality, ethical meat is incredibly important in terms of nutritional value. Did you know that all our chicken is free to roam and comes from organic farms?

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Winner, Winner, Raw Chicken for Dinner

Chicken is a great addition to your dog’s diet. Sourcing good quality, ethical meat is incredibly important in terms of nutritional value. Did you know that all our chicken is free to roam and comes from organic farms? Read on to learn more about the benefits of feeding raw chicken and more about our sourcing policy.

Health Benefits and Nutritional Value of Raw Chicken

Raw chicken is packed full of a whole range of various vitamins and minerals which provide excellent health benefits for your dog. Whilst cooking chicken is not necessarily bad for your dog, it does deplete the B vitamins and minerals. Therefore, feeding raw food is substantially more nutritious than cooked food.

Dried foods that include chicken often include preservatives and other additives that can further deplete the nutritional value. Chicken can sometimes be mistakenly blamed for allergic reactions but in some cases, dogs are actually reacting to the preservatives that have been added to the food. We recommend carrying out an exclusion diet, feeding single proteins at one time to identify allergies. If you would like assistance with this, please speak to our customer services team.

Below is a list of the vitamins and minerals found in raw chicken and their benefits to your furry friend:

  • Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 (Thiamine, Pyridoxine and Choline) – these are essential to a dog's diet as they help to promote cell growth and function and they are also necessary for the absorption of protein and fat.
  • Vitamin D – chickens which are free to roam, or free range will contain Vitamin D as they absorb this from the sun. Those which are kept indoors will not produce this to a notable level. Vitamin D helps to regulate the balance and retention of calcium and phosphorous.
  • Iron – this mineral is essential for the formation of red blood cells and haemoglobin throughout the body. Haemoglobin carries oxygen and nutrients through the bloodstream. This is why Iron is so important to a dog's general wellbeing.
  • Zinc – helps to regulate hormones, proteins, and enzymes and is very important for maintaining normal immune system function and thyroid function too.
  • Tryptophan – is wonderful for reducing stress and aggression. Tryptophan is used by the body to produce serotonin and melatonin. It helps reduce anxiety and provides a calm state of mind, which can be particularly useful if you know your dog might get stressed out by a new experience or fireworks.
  • Copper – essential for the formation of bones, connective tissue, collagen and myelin (the protective covering of nerves). It also helps the body absorb iron which we have already covered above.
  • Calcium – improves overall health whilst paying special attention to strengthening teeth, bones and maintaining a healthy coat.
  • Phosphorous – helps rid the body of toxins by stimulating the kidneys. Also assists in managing the pH balance of your dog.
  • Magnesium – is essential for energy production in the cells. This nutrient is needed to facilitate the use of energy from the rest of the food.
  • Potassium – very important for your dog's health. Potassium supports the function of electrical charges in the muscles, the heart and the nerves.
  • Selenium – essential for the optimisation of your dogs metabolism. It is also important for the reproductive organs, the thyroid and even the synthesis of DNA.

Paleo Ridge Raw Chicken

As you know, at Paleo Ridge we feel very strongly about ethically sourcing meat. All our chicken is organic and free to roam, so you can be sure your dog is getting the highest quality meat. The chickens are not fed antibiotics, they get plenty of fresh air and sunlight which means they absorb Vitamin D from the Sun. Battery and caged hens only contain trace elements of Vitamin D through their lack of exposure to the Sun. This is why free to roam chicken is very important for the nutritional value as well as ethical values too. We visit our farms on a regular basis to ensure high standards are met and maintained.


Chicken is considered to be a common culprit for intolerances. This is mainly because of how the chickens are farmed or the preservatives and additives that are included in processed foods. Chickens kept in poor conditions and fed cheap grains containing antibiotics can flare up an intolerance. Harsh chemicals and cheap feeds affect the meat; as the meat is eaten by your dog so they will in turn ingest these chemicals.

The common signs of an intolerance are:

  • Itching and scratching, especially around the face and ears.
  • Licking and biting of paws.
  • Diarrhoea
  • Ear Infections

If you suspect your dog has a chicken intolerance, we recommend that you do not feed chicken for 3-4 weeks and keep track of their symptoms. If they lessen, you should most likely avoid chicken for a while. It’s not to say they can never have chicken again; they may only be able to tolerate it in small doses. Once your dog is symptom free, you can look to introduce some organic chicken once a week. If your dog presents no symptoms, you can include a small amount of chicken in their diet. If they flare up after reintroducing, it would be best to avoid going forward.

For more information or guidance, please speak to our customer service team.

Further Reading

13th September 2024

“I introduced it to Eileen when she was pregnant. She thrived on it and did not lose any condition whilst carrying and feeding her seven puppies,” Maria explained. “The puppies all took to the Paleo Ridge raw diet straight away. They never had upset tummies and their poos were not offensive and we were less frequent than my experience with previous litters. They all went home with Paleo Ridge in their puppy packs.”

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