Better Behaviour - Less Hyperactivity

04th January 2021 5 mins read

Behaviour and mood are most definitely influenced by good diet and gut health. Many dogs who have switched to a raw diet have almost instantly changed to become more focused in training, less anxious and generally calmer and more content.

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Food to Soothe the Body and Soul

We all know that eating healthy foods, ideally from field to fork, is without a doubt the healthiest and most appropriate way to nourish our body and soul. Eating fast food makes us feel dull and lack lustre. It often affects our mood, makes us feel bloated and plays havoc with our digestive system, not to mention blood sugars. We lack energy, feel sluggish, unsettled, irritated and unable to concentrate. We know that processed foods are detrimental to our health, not a single study exists to challenge this.

So why would it be any different for your dog? We have a choice to eat inappropriate and harmful junk food, your dog does not. They mostly only get to eat what is put down for them. By feeding a raw food diet, you are feeding a species appropriate diet that is the healthiest and most natural way to feed your dog. As with humans, by removing highly proceeded food and feeding a natural healthy diet, your dog will benefit immensely.

Switching to raw can positively impact your dogs behaviour in many ways:

  • more content
  • reduced hyperactivity
  • increased energy and vitality
  • less reactive
  • calmer
  • less anxious
  • more focused

Lots of us will have had periods when we have made a concerted effort to eat healthy, and most of us would agree that it makes us feel great! Humans are the only species on the planet that have created and consume processed food, much worse than that, we have forced it on every animal we have domesticated or farmed. Now think about how highly processed feeds negatively impact your dog's mood, behaviour and personality.

A common myth of raw feeding is that it can make dogs aggressive. This is simply not true. Dogs who have switched to a raw diet, have almost instantly changed to become more focused in training, less anxious and generally calmer and more content.


Highly processed food is high in carbohydrates, colourants, preservatives and low in nutrients. This combination is a recipe for disaster. It is comparable to feeding your kids sweets, sugary fizzy drinks and fast food, all day, every day. Most kids are bouncing of the walls before bedtime!

ADHD is a relatively new phenomena is humans, but is now also being given as a diagnosis in dogs: how did this happen? It comes as no surprise that science has found that a natural diet, rich in healthy foods, and one that avoids sugar, artificial flavours, carbohydrates and other common allergens, is proving very effective in reducing symptoms of ADHD in humans.

It is no wonder then that your 'hyperactive' dog (just like a child) cannot concentrate, cannot settle, displays unfavourable behaviours and seems to refuse to be obedient, calm or attentive, while full of totally inappropriate junk food.

To help reduce hyperactivity in your dog, remove all processed foods, including:

  • carbohydrates
  • sugars
  • preservatives
  • allergens
  • all processed treats

Behaviour and mood are most definitely influenced by good diet and gut health. Feeding raw is the only way to improve and maximise gut health. Although not fully understood yet, there is a direct link between gut health and brain function.

Further Reading

15th January 2025

Designed to give puppies the best possible start in life, this exciting addition to the popular Paleo Plus range offers optimal nutrition with carefully selected, premium ingredients including reishi mushrooms!

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All you need to know about our brand-new puppy range of raw dog food. Infused with reishi mushroom tinctures to provide advanced benefits.

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